Surveillance Data Solutions
Sunhillo’s core business for over 25 years is Surveillance Data Distribution & Conversion of mission-critical data. Sunhillo’s Radar Data Distribution & Conversion products are deployed across the US Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) National Airspace System (NAS) and to over 50 countries worldwide. These Surveillance products all run on SureLine® core software with a common GUI and advanced radar plug-ins. Sunhillo has developed multiple Surveillance data platforms to meet our customers needs whether they need a Serial to IP Conversion, or an IP only solution with a different ASTERIX protocol needed. Sunhillo is the trusted provide or Surveillance data solutions around the globe.
Meet the latest generation of RICI
Sunhillo’s Real-Time Interface & Conversion Item (RICI) is a versatile and modular platform designed for surveillance and sensor data formatting, filtering and conversions. The RICI 6000 is the latest iteration in the highly deployed and successful RICI product line which is used across the FAA and ANSP’s around the globe. The RICI 6000 is a form, fit and function replacement for the RICI 5000 and uses readily available components, ensuring the RICI is supportable for the foreseeable future. The updated RICI features the latest technology and increased throughput.
The RICI is an ideal solution for networks requiring low-density, high-speed system interfacing to multiple serial ports with the ability to scale to future network demands. Running Sunhillo’s SureLine® software, the RICI is a compact FPGA-based signal processing platform that enables synchronous, asynchronous and Bisync serial plus LAN interconnectivity.

Data Distribution System -DDS
Chassis based Surveillance Data Distribution System
Sunhillo’s Data Distribution System (DDS). The world of communications can be a challenging arena when there are multiple, dissimilar data sources that need to be controlled, monitored and routed. Sunhillo’s DDS Platform meets that challenge head-on providing a fully scalable, chassis-based data distribution system complete with protocol conversion.
The DDS Platform draws together Sunhillo’s rich line of surveillance communication products and experience into one unified system. Coupled with the DDS Domain Controller (DDC), the distribution, control and monitoring responsibility of multiple, disparate data sources are centralised into one easy‑to‑use system. This system provides communication engineers with scalable building blocks capable of transferring data in any combination – Serial-to-Serial, Serial-to-LAN, LAN-to-Serial or LAN‑to-LAN. The intelligent endpoint technology distributes the communication and protocol conversion overhead, thus allowing the system to scale with the changing needs of the data center without sacrificing performance or functionality.

Brigantine SGP
Surveillance Gateway Processor
Sunhillo’s Brigantine Surveillance Gateway Processor (SGP) is a dedicated 1U communication platform running Sunhillo’s SureLine® software and is designed to address the increasing requirements of new IP based systems for LAN to LAN surveillance sensor data formatting, content filtering, and protocol conversions. SureLine’s web-based graphical data flow editor is capable of simple and complex configurations which bridge the gaps between dissimilar ATM systems, allow for content filtering based on geographical volume selection, and provide protocol specific refinements.
The SureLine graphical interface provides local data monitoring features and tools which help to visualise the data flow through a real-time radar display. For remote monitoring, Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2, SNMPv3) is supported.
Multi-Protocol Data Distribution Server
The Ventnor COM Express® is the next generation product from Sunhillo. Offering a drop in solution for existing MPS1000 customers, the Ventnor provides enhanced capabilities over the existing MPS1000 product, while addressing multiple markets with Sunhillo’s feature rich software. The Ventnor COM Express includes a COM Express Single Board Computer providing additional customer specific functionality and processing capabilities.
The Ventnor provides access to the MPS application programming interface (API) and the associated integrated protocol suite. These protocols enable development engineers to proceed directly to integration and application development efforts.
Additionally, the Ventnor is the first product that completely integrates the MPS API with the Sunhillo surveillance sensor data formatting, filtering and protocol conversion capabilities.

Multi-Protocol Data Distribution Server
The Ventnor is the next generation product from Sunhillo. Offering a drop in solution for existing MPS1000 customers, the Ventnor provides enhanced capabilities over the existing MPS1000 product, while addressing multiple markets with Sunhillo’s feature rich software. The Ventnor provides access to the MPS application programming interface (API) and the associated integrated protocol suite. These protocols enable development engineers to proceed directly to integration and application development efforts.
Additionally, the Ventnor is the first product that completely integrates the MPS API with the Sunhillo surveillance sensor data formatting, filtering and protocol conversion capabilities.

Margate II ADS-B
Field Proven ADS-B Receiver
Sunhillo’s Margate II ADS-B Receiver is a field deployed and proven ADS-B receiver developed to meet or exceed DO-260B and DO-282standards with high reliability, range, and accuracy.
The Margate II ADS-B Receiver accepts and decodes 978 MHz UAT and 1090ES ADS-B and TIS-B. Sunhillo’s ADS-B Receiver accepts the transmission directly into the module from a front panel TNC connector for the RF antenna feed allowing for a simple and portable setup.
Additionally, the unit features a fully integrated GPS receiver with a front panel SMA Connector for the GPS input. Outputs include a variety of destinations and formats including ASTERIX CAT021 and FAA CAT033 over ethernet.
The Margate II is trusted by the US Military for current operations and can be paired with our Surveillance Monitoring System (SMS), also US Military deployed, to view live ADS-B targets for Situational Awareness.
Surveillance Data Distribution & Conversion Platform
Sunhillo’s Longport platform is a robust, versatile and modular system designed for surveillance sensor data distribution and message conversions. With up to 24 serial interfaces the Longport is scalable to support your operations for many years. Running Sunhillo’s SureLine® core software provides data conversion, filtering, and high level performance.
The Longport features a powerful 800MHz Dual Core processor and the latest technology ensuring the Longport is supportable for the foreseeable future.
The Longport provides sensor interfacing capabilities for the FAA STARS, ASR11, as well as the military DASR program. The Longport is scalable, providing the capability to provision modules and services as mission requirements dictate.
Unitronix offer professional in-country services as part of a proven, dependable supply chain with a long term commitment to defence and industrial based applications.
Our focus is on the through-life supply of COTS & MCOTS electronic equipment that is reliable and predictable through its lifecycle in the application.