Specialist Item
Unitronix have teamed up with some innovative technology providers to address the needs of government and law enforcement agencies with the fight against cyber crime, espionage and terrorism threats.
Talk to us to understand the full scope of capabilities we have to offer.

Team Tercio offers DUELIST as an effective, affordable and scalable solution for enhanced dismounted warfighter situational awareness. Focused initially on the needs of small teams of Tier One operators but with broader application throughout the green army and across the emergency services.
DUELIST will create a Single Integrated Visual Representation (SIVR) of the dismounted battlespace to allow individuals to instantly see their location within it, the physical makeup of their surroundings, position of friendlies, threats and provide the ability to discern patterns to identify emerging threats. This picture is created by fusing a variety of sensors, with the SIVR designed as an open standard where developers can integrate both improvements to existing sensor technologies and entirely new technologies as well as allowing customisation of the overall system and the output of it to their needs.
DUELIST recognises the weaknesses of individual sensor capabilities in isolation and addresses this by fusing sensor output and aggregating the information of the perceived environment (both physical and in the EM bandwidth) to create a common operational map. In doing so DUELIST creates multiple confidences through passive sensors and active scanning about the location of friendlies and potential threats. Information is displayed to the operator through an AR / XR overlay linked to an intelligent alerting system. This presents only the most relevant real-time information in a manner that is highly configurable to the current mission or even on the fly. The system can also auto configure to available resources – such as CAS or other specific capabilities to indicate key information to maximise these time limited capabilities.
Intelligent & Contextualised Sense Through Wall Technologies to sense activity beyond line of sight.
Instant information when it’s needed-builds a picture of the environment
Detecting human activity through barriers gives operators key intelligence on when and where to conduct breaches.
More than just breathing rate detection
The SafeScan Tactical device is capable of detecting movement and respiration rate signals at a maximum range of 20 yards Line of Sight (LOS). However, when penetrating an 8 inches solid concrete wall at a standoff distance between 0 and 2 yards, the SafeScan Tactical has demonstrated its ability to accurately identify movement and respiratory rates at ranges up to 7 yards.
Graphene Microphone combined devices to offer acoustic and radar detection Beamforming. Developments in Graphene-coated antenna technology have already demonstrated improvements in signal to noise and gain characteristics.
The utility of the SafeScan Tactical device by SOF SUTs in high-threat environments such as the urban domain will ultimately increase the survivability of operators conducting complex tasks. Additional benefits include increased operational effectiveness and reduction in collateral damage to infrastructure as well as non-combatant personnel as SOF SUTs seek to negate any requirement for kinetic actions.
If you are an organisation or commercial business that needs to deeply understand your investigated entities, identify future entities of interest and highly personalise your next strategic and/or tactical interaction with them, you need our Athena OSINT multi-dimensional data enrichment engine.
Athena OSINT provides an end-to-end data enrichment solution that collects, analyses and can quickly format the results of an investigation in an easy-to-read report. It is discreet with complete and comprehensive network source anonymisation and encryption which provides actionable insights with a low digital signature. Designed from the ground up to be an intuitive and cost-effective system that provides rapid results to the end user without relying on highly skilled analysts.
From data enrichment, across the surface and deep web to relationship analysis and much more, Athena OSINT has all your requirements covered.
Available as a report service or as a SaaS subscription.
Supercharge your investigations by talking to thousands of people
- SOLV lets you broadcast specific messages to the smartphones of people within a controlled geographic area. Simple, fast and efficient.
- SOLV gives these people a way to respond to you – with meaningful information – in real time.
- SOLV requires no special understanding of digital technology. You form your message on easy to use templates, and receive information from the public through the unique webpage that SOLV technology generates specifically for your case.
Built for use by law enforcement agencies, emergency services, local government and approved NGOs
- SOLV gives approved agencies access to the powerful communication tools used successfully in the commercial world.
- SOLV makes communication with your public faster and more efficient.
- SOLV provides tools to support strategic Fast-Track Golden Hour investigation and Emergency Preparedness.
No Prior Digital Skills Required
- SOLV automatically generates a unique and secure webpage for the public to pass information back to you.
- You are immediately advised of all responses.
- All the relevant information is maintained for you to access at any time.
Harness The Power Of SOLV In Your Investigation & Emergency Planning Today
- SOLV is only for use by authorised agencies, all users must be validated.
Contact Unitronix for more information.
There are no “up-front” or “sign-up” costs to use SOLV. Validated agencies are able to use the system on a paid-per-use basis.

Force Protection Electronic Countermeasures
The Evolving threat in RCIEDs is the ever evolving access to cheap, commercial equipment at higher and higher frequencies. smart devices now using frequencies up in the 40GHz area and these are cheaper / easier to get hold of. As 5G proliferates FPECM Must cover up to 40GHz band, in the near future it will cover up to 80GHz.
Unitronix provides some of the very latest EW COTS equipment that can be of use for next generation FPECM systems.
The basic requirements are; RX the signal of interest, Locate the direction the signal of interest came from, TX a jamming signal to knock out the signal of interest.
These SFF receivers can be integrated into full combat armour to identify and suppress the threat of RCEIDs to squads or individuals on patrol.
Sensors can also be fitted to a lightweight training suit to monitor the health and vitality status of soldiers training under real world and deadly force conditions.